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Viking Wolf (2022)

Viking Wolf (2022)

7189 votes, average 5.2 out of 10

Thale (17) baru saja pindah bersama orang tuanya ke kota kecil setelah ibunya mendapat pekerjaan baru di kepolisian setempat. Setelah seorang siswa dibunuh secara brutal di pesta yang dihadiri Thale, dia menjadi saksi kunci. Apakah pembunuhnya adalah seekor binatang? Seekor serigala?

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Tagline:Thale (17) has just moved with her parents to a small town after her mother has a new job in the local police. After a student is killed brutally at a party Thale attends, she becomes a key witness. Was the killer an animal? A wolf?
Duration: 97 Min
Language: Norwegian

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